well from the pedestrian church! all of my members of the chapel, fireside chat from father ken: listen up, recline in your chair, smoke a doobie, get a drink down your throats, pain meds, the finest newest new drug on the market! listten to cindy lauper sing iko iko!! now relax my brothers and sisters, hell and mayberry, this is a sermon! do not smite your brother your brother or sister! smite those who do not hear my words! and for all those who do not know what smite means it be meaning a good smack upside da head!!
now good doc hormone sayeth father ken needs donations from his congretional the new pedestrian churh of the new redemption and enlightenmight and true rapture from the pulpit of the one and only deliverance new pedestrian church!
well he is right and the good sir martin i dub thee duke of the realm ontop of your kighthood! and mikey mohawk bow down now!! you are knighted also as knight of motown beach bunnies!!!
mikey doc and the duke sir martin, from the papal throne remember: casual sex with farm animals is only allowed on christmas and halloween. but a sugar plum fairy would suffice on lesser holidays, like the 4th of july or small barking or meowing critters!
beach babies are the best however! do not accept subtitutes
had a meeting today at the beach sa with all the beach blanket bingo annette and gidget and tammy are asleep in the papal tent in my backyard at the holy residence!!
blessings upon the newly appointed duke sir martin and the newly knighted mikey!
and not to forget doc hormone!! doctor you have been by papal decree head of all infectious deseases that are acquired by having relations with farm animals!
thanx and blessings from the papal throne
written by the good reverend!
half fucking sober!!!
but on the way!!!
send fucking cash!
condolences to all who are sober!
get on the stick!
fadda ken!!
read this and weep
composed in my study as the beach chicks are asleep in the tent!