Saturday, March 04, 2006

blessings to all

the buckwheat oreo cookie is still available, bids are still being accepted, the good doctor hormone visited the monastery this weekend and a vidiot production was secured, also i hope all feel secure, our president visited pakistan and india!! hell for what???? tryin to find osama? looking for spices? a new route to japan? and think of it, he left the trigger happy vice pres with access to the button to put the world into nuclear obliteration!! enough of politics!!! make sure u view the vidiot tv production the good doctor hormone has put on line!! the pedestrian church is looking for more converts, we need the cash, also on a final note remember texas is the place where the pres comes from!! thats where men are men and sheep are nervous. find the vidiot tv link thru white mud links and doctor hormones blog! i am about to leave the monastery and head out to the pastor's pasture!!! all shall be explained after seeing the vidiot production. can no one find a home fro the buckwheat oreo??? later
the good reverend and pope of the pedestrian church
write back ya filthy moron animals!!
comments are always welcome and will be summarily discarded with no respect for race color or creed!! however donations are always welcome! now where is my secretary??? i thirst for milk!!!.....................


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Fadda Ken...once you publish a blog as you did here, then edit it...the alerts will not go out again..So we wont know that you did an update...

Thats why you got no reaction to the edit to this blog...

Its like a lousy local newspaper...once its delivered...its gone!

Its liner for the kitty litter pan the next day....

You must collect your thoughts....and dump the filth onto the listening public the next day in one fat plop! No changies!

Amen Fadda! I still do confession while thinking of you staring at that big camel! Nothing helps me through my sinful life as does the vision of you staring with longful eyes at that camel!

I feel better....about myself!

11:14 PM  

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