Saturday, March 04, 2006

a better use for atomic power

on further thought the good fadda has found a new and better use for atomic energy!! unknown to the lawn maintenance guy i installed my own atomic engine on the lawn mower here in the pastors pasture!! after mowing down numerous species of wildlife the lawn boy and mower zoomed out of site over the horizon never to be seen again!! a sonic boom was heard throughout the eastern third of the usa!! anyone finding the lawn mower a reward is waiting, just contact me here!! anyone finding the lawn dude bury the remains in a shallow grave, burn him and dump his ashes down the nearest toilet, any moron willing to cut lawn with an atomic lawn mower is just not worth grieving over!! thank you from the pedestrian church! and remember: you can lead a horse to water but a pencil is lead!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

12:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the spirit of non-censorship in this church, I, Sir Martin of White Mud, Fadda Ken's trusty deacon of the Pedestrian Church's web presence, have nuked a spammer's comment. I am reposting it without the link, since the spammer took the time to research his spam target and actually spammed a post that is about lawn care (sort of):

Anonymous said...
Hi ##name##, I'm trying to learn about lawncarelawncare as spring is approaching. this year I plan on having the best yard in the neighborhood.

9:56 PM

Don't you just love when their scripts are customizable with a field like ##name## and they don't know how to use it!!??!! ;-)

Sir Martin of White Mud

8:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous axe hole. How ironic this is, I'm trying to learn about
lawncarelawncare too! Tell me, do those silver bells and cockle shells really work and are the pretty maids helpful in the garden as well as in lawncarelawncare? I've actually heard that these are colloquialisms for instruments of torture. I don't want pretty maids to be tortured in my garden, or on my lawnlawn.

I really need to know if this will also work for my Biodiverse Garden and are you sure nobody will find those cockle shells a little perverted? I'd hate to offend the pretty maids, who I need for other things.

Creating biodiverse gardens and landscapes both below ground (in Sir Martin's Salt Mine) and above ground

I'm trying to use gardening and agriculture to simplify nature's incomprehensible complexity into something manageable for third world nations, and small American Farmers and Gardners.

I'm hoping that you will illuminate us on the diversity of species and the rich interactions that occur between them. This is important because there is such a wide diversity of species to be concerned with. Chances are that if you're into lawncarelawncare so admirably you will no doubt be able to help the rest of us.

Thanks for imparting your great wise-ass-dom.


10:37 AM  

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