Sunday, March 19, 2006

Iggy Como loves Fadda Ken

In an alternative universe, Perry Como is the Iggy Pop of rock'n'religion!

Sir Martin of White Mud for Fada Ken

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

blessings mikey mohawk

mikey many pedestrians in the church ask the same question as did you why would you throw shit at the hand that feeds you? no reason monkees love to do that!! why would dick cheney shoot his buddy while hunting? why if a mirror reverses your image from left to right how come it doesn't reverse you from top to bottom? these are profound questions mikey and being the good reverend i shall attempt to answer them, why question these basic precepts, they are a matter of faith!!! so throw feces at anyone you desire!! didnt martin luther nail his feces (thesis as some prefer) to the church in wittenburg?? and if it bothers you to touch your own feces use rubber gloves or hire a moron to wipe your ass and command him to throw the shit at whomever you desire, better yet get a bunch of flying monkees to bombard anyone who opposes your desires! next time you recieve a check from your boss shit in his hat!, then tell him if he needs more tell him to increase the peanuts he's been paying you! well signing off for now, hope you have seen the good doctor hormones interview with the good reverend!! hoping to see you for the reunion! mikey never take a shit!! always throw it, at a wall, ex spouse, or better yet, wait for a bus and pelt the driver when the door opens with a good log or two! the sorry fuck cant chase ya he has a bus schedule to keep. blessings mikey
lord and pope of pedestria
if any more questions need answering just keep sending the money!!
all proceeds will be used as i desire for whatever SHIT i can think of
thanx MIKEY MOHAWK of the mighty mohawk brothers!!
i fart in the general direction of anyone you desire, in fact a collective fart from the mohawk brothers and white mud can be arranged for a nominall fee!! keep the faith and dont take no shit!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

the young fadda ken

a rare and previously unpublished photo of the young fadda ken. after using the holy hand grenade in the pond at the future site of the pastor's pasture fadda ken proudly displays the catch of the day. when the police and press arrived after hearing the explosion, the young fadda had only one comment to make before being drug off screaming and kicking to face yet again another jail term (see fadda kens first dui)


from the archives and more to come soon, blessings!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

hey morons!!!!

fromthe good fadda's monkey house!! hey no comments?? no remarks? anyone receiving?? i have posted three important messages from the church located somewhere in port richey florida!! and the previous posts are of utmost importance!! don't monkey around read and answer your mail! warnings of this nature are a one time deal. we have a banana for you!!!!!!
da good reverend ken

Saturday, March 04, 2006

a better use for atomic power

on further thought the good fadda has found a new and better use for atomic energy!! unknown to the lawn maintenance guy i installed my own atomic engine on the lawn mower here in the pastors pasture!! after mowing down numerous species of wildlife the lawn boy and mower zoomed out of site over the horizon never to be seen again!! a sonic boom was heard throughout the eastern third of the usa!! anyone finding the lawn mower a reward is waiting, just contact me here!! anyone finding the lawn dude bury the remains in a shallow grave, burn him and dump his ashes down the nearest toilet, any moron willing to cut lawn with an atomic lawn mower is just not worth grieving over!! thank you from the pedestrian church! and remember: you can lead a horse to water but a pencil is lead!!!

dick cheney's new toy

the pedestrian church has infiltrated the white house, when george is a away dick may play!! the do not press button is probably an irresistable temptation to the trigger happy vice pres!! the only hope for mankind is that dick doesnt find this box!! or if he does let him press it while he and his lawyer friends are visiting the president after his return to the usa! blessings to all and good evening from the pope of pedestria!!!

blessings to all

the buckwheat oreo cookie is still available, bids are still being accepted, the good doctor hormone visited the monastery this weekend and a vidiot production was secured, also i hope all feel secure, our president visited pakistan and india!! hell for what???? tryin to find osama? looking for spices? a new route to japan? and think of it, he left the trigger happy vice pres with access to the button to put the world into nuclear obliteration!! enough of politics!!! make sure u view the vidiot tv production the good doctor hormone has put on line!! the pedestrian church is looking for more converts, we need the cash, also on a final note remember texas is the place where the pres comes from!! thats where men are men and sheep are nervous. find the vidiot tv link thru white mud links and doctor hormones blog! i am about to leave the monastery and head out to the pastor's pasture!!! all shall be explained after seeing the vidiot production. can no one find a home fro the buckwheat oreo??? later
the good reverend and pope of the pedestrian church
write back ya filthy moron animals!!
comments are always welcome and will be summarily discarded with no respect for race color or creed!! however donations are always welcome! now where is my secretary??? i thirst for milk!!!.....................